The semester is over now. I can't believe how fast it went by. I( had a blast to say the least. I learned so many things and experienced so much. With the end of the semester comes the end of the year. This year seems to have flown by. This year was amazing, full of so many unexpected thing, The financial crisis and our new president. I feel like I had an amazing year and I am confident it will finish this way. Life is one of those things you have to take by the horns or it will pass you by. A year used to same long to me. Not any more. Days, weeks, months, and years fly by at an amazing rate.
I am so thankful that this semester is over.... which means 1 semester closer to the end of the year.... which means 3 semesters until I graduate.... which means 5 semester until I'm working in my future career.... and the list goes on!
Yes, it truly flew. It seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye. Good luck and happy holidays.
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