Last friday---->BLACK FRIDAY! marked the start of the busiest shopping season of the year!!! But to me it's marked the start of the worst shopping season! I love to shop and buy gifts. I just hate to shop during Christmas,but I guess shopping is better than working. At least when I shop I can go home afterwards! Not when I'm working. I have worked retail every Christmas since high school, can we talk about crazy! people really lose there minds around this time. Fighting the crowd is one thing, but being forced to assist them is another! I'm sure everyone by now has heard the stories of trampled employees! It is impossible for you to truly understand customer service unless you have worked during the holiday season.This is a job that only a few chosen ones can tolerated so please be nice this holiday season to all the holiday employees!
did you hear about the guy at walmart in long island who got trampled to death by like 2000 people!!
The holidays are the worst time to shop and definitely the worst time to be working in retail. I hated working retail during the summer. I know I'd hate it during the holidays. The trampled employees are just sad and it's crazy how people acted on black Friday. I mean dang...it ain't that serious!
I so agree wityh both you guys! it was crazy
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